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The REAL Vietnam War

October 7, 2017

It was the late 1950s. Ol’ Ike Eisenhower was getting pretty pissed off at them frickin’ Vietnamese. They built a giant robotic gorilla who used Gorilla Warfare ™ . Its code name was Viet Kong.

Viet Kong File Photo

Viet Kong was really giving folks a hard time. He was destroying entire villages and fish canneries. Eisenhower sent a bunch of troops over there to deal with him, but whenever they tried to stop him, he’d run into the bushes and throw spit wads at everybody.

By the 1960s, the Viet Kong problem had escalated significantly. President Kennedy was especially worried, because he was a firm believer in the Domino Effect ™ .

JFK's Famous Viet Kong Address

He was later assassinated.

Viet Kong was being controlled by the commies in North Vietnam, while the South Vietnamese people were being terrorized on a daily basis from constant robo-ape attacks. JFK’s successor, Lyndon B. Johnson decided to ramp up American support.

LBJ on the pooper

In the US, however, the war was extremely unpopular, especially with smelly hippies. They said if they wanted to see huge primates, they’d stay home and watch The Monkees on TV.

So finally someone said to hell with it, and Viet Kong still lives on today. Who will be his next victim?




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